Archive for August, 2010

Hey All! I had the fabulous oppurtunity to speak with Bryan and Dan from the the talented band Don’T Forget To Write! To listen to their talented tunes please click the cd cover above!Want more? Go to Itunes or CDBABY and search Dont Forget To Write! Also search them on facebook, twitter and tumblr! Become a fan today!


ZanaD:What is the name of your band?

Bryan : Don’t Forget to Write!!

ZanaD:Where are you from?

Bryan: As a band we’re currently based in New York, NY. I’m originally from Manassas, VA though.

Daniel: I’m from Dresher, PA

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?

Bryan: I like to classify our music as “Handsome Pop Rock.”

Daniel: Saving the world, one tune at a time

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?

Bryan: Promote! Promote! Promote! If you believe in your music and work your ass off, you’ll get somewhere. No doubt about it. The internet is such an amazing resource. Constantly use it to your advantage.

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?

Bryan: We started a band because we were best friends who enjoyed a lot of the same bands. I was always a great writer but not as talented when it came to instrumentals. Dan was always an incredibly talented guitar/piano player and singer. We figured we should combine our talents. And here we are.

Daniel: Yeah, music has always been an important part of my life, so not to pursue it with my friends would be ridiculous.

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?

Bryan: I started singing when I was in fourth grade, I think. I started playing guitar when I was about fourteen, and harmonica a few years later.

Daniel: I started playing piano when I was four, guitar at eleven, and singing since the womb!

ZanaD:How long have you been writing music for?

Bryan: I’ve been writing songs in my head since I was in elementary school. But I started formally writing songs and putting them down on paper when I was around fourteen I’d say.

Daniel: I wrote my first song in eighth grade, so I guess that puts me at fourteen as well.

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?

Bryan: I’d love to play at the 930 club in Washington DC. I saw some of my favorite bands there as a kid and I think it’s one of the best venues in the country.

Daniel: Madison Square Garden- I’d love to be able to pack a huge venue one day and then come back to NYC and play an awesome show.

ZanaD:Describe your music in three words

Bryan: Super sweet tunes

Daniel: Catchy super fun

ZanaD:Are you close with the people in your band?

Bryan: Hell yeah! Dan is my best friend in the world. Tom and I have only known each other for a short time, but I love the kid to death.

Daniel: FOR SURE!  As Bryan mentioned, we bffs, I’ve known him since I was 12, and I lived with Tom for a year, can’t break that bond!!

ZanaD:What inspires you to do music?

Bryan: I’m really inspired and influence by bands that came before me and whose music I loved. Examples are Fall Out Boy, Dashboard Confessional, Brand New, Saves The Day. When it comes to writing music though, I’m incredibly inspired by good friends, good times, and super cute girls.

Daniel: Like BChabs, I’m very inspired by the bands I love; they make me want to write.  Also, someone once said (and I forget who) that we use music for the times when words are not enough to express ourselves, I find that beautiful.

ZanaD:Whats the song you need to listen to when your feeling down?

Bryan: Good question.  Sometimes I love listening to sad music and just wallowing in my sadness. When I’m in that mood, I definitely throw on a Dashboard CD and listen to something like “Screaming Infidelities.” When I’m trying to bust out of feeling down I like to listen to something upbeat and fun. The Way We Talk by the Maine is a great track for that.

Daniel: If it’s the type of sadness where I want to stew in it for a while, I’ll put on “For the Sake of Remembering” by Dave Melillo.  However, if I’m trying to cheer myself up I’ll put on The Summer Set or The Maine (I now see that Bryan also did a Maine shout out for this question… I’m unsurprised that we listed the same band hahaha)

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?

Bryan: As much as people give them shit sometimes, my biggest musical inspiration and idol as a kid was Fall Out Boy. I still love them to death too and I think they’ll always be my favorite band. I’m also super into a band called This Is My Suitcase. They play fantastic music and are some of the nicest folks around.

Daniel: Well, not to copy Bryan, because I just listed the same band as him in the last question, but I’m also gonna throw down Fall Out Boy as my favorite band.  I hope that they work their stuff out and come back from hiatus soon.

ZanaD:Whats your favorite song?

Bryan: I think I’d have to say Seventy Times Seven by Brand New. Drunk Girl by Something Corporate is a close second. But Seventy Times Seven gets the win. The bridge is one of my favorite verses ever.

Daniel: Going Away to College by Blink 182.  Definitely.

ZanaD:When is your next album coming out?

Bryan: It’s out right now!! Our new EP, Handsome Expectations, came out this week! It’s on Itunes now. Head over and get it!

ZanaD:When is your next concert?

Bryan: Not sure at the moment. We’re trying to get some New York shows together in the near future. Keep your eyes peeled.

Bryan: Itunes. Search for Don’t Forget to Write. Our new album will come up. It’s also available at CD Baby for a few bucks cheaper though.

ZanaD:Where do you see your band in 5 years from now?

Bryan: Doing what were doing now, playing music we love with people we love. Hopefully with a bigger fanbase, even better songs, and all sorts of sweet awesome merch

Daniel: Ditto

ZanaD:What is your dream?

Bryan: My dream is to make enough money to survive while doing something I love. I’d love to hopefully be successful enough to get my parents a beach house too. They’ve always been so supportive and I want to repay them for all they’ve done one day.

Daniel: Be a working actor/musician with a kick ass wife and family.

ZanaD:What is your favorite food?

Bryan: I’m gonna say cookie dough. I love it.

Daniel: Nachos from TGIFridays

ZanaD:If you were stuck on an island what three items would you bring?

Bryan: Umm, a genie so that I could be granted 3 wishes, a helicopter, and an ipod.

Daniel: Guitar, iPod, refrigerator that always refills with delicious food

ZanaD:If you were trapped in a room what three people would you want to be with?

Bryan: Dan, because he’s my best bud and I love him to death. Pete Wentz, because I have a huge man crush on him (I’ll admit it). And Jess Bowen from the Summer Set. I have the hugest hugest crush on her and would love to spend some time with that pretty girl

Daniel: Bryan and Tom, so that we could be one of those bands who gets famous in captivity, like Cartel when they were the band in the bubble, but more intense because we can’t get out forever!!!  And then also Matt Squire to engineer and produce our albums (I’m assuming this room we’re trapped in is a recording studio).

What musician would you want to go on a date with and why?

Bryan: Jess Bowen. Jess Bowen. Jess Bowen. She is such a cutie and is ridiculously talented on drums. I really do have a huge crush on her. I’ve even written a song about how awesome she is. Hopefully one day soon we’ll release it. I’m also quite fond of Cady Groves. She’s a close second.

Daniel: Taylor Swift.  There is nothing more attractive than a singer/songwriter lady.  We could go out on a really cute date, and then end the night by serenading each other.  And yes, one day we will absolutely be releasing the Jess Bowen song previously mentioned.

Beautiful or intelligent?

Bryan: I’m a sucker for a pretty face. Beautiful

Daniel: Both, no compromising!!!



I got the pleasure of talking with Rich Carosie from the crazy and wild punk band Animal Train!!To listen to their music be sure to click the two logos above designed by Jason!! Be sure to checkout their concert coming up September 11th at The Nail in Ardmoore, Pennsylvania! If you have an inquires for Rich please contact him directly at:


ZanaD:What is the name of your band?

Rich:Animal Train

ZanaD:Where are you from?

Rich:Upper Darby, PA

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?


ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?

Rich:Never let the negative thoughts of others keep you from what you want to do just get out there and do it.

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?

Rich:We are all very creative people and were looking for an outlet.

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?

Rich:I was 17

ZanaD:Describe your music in three words

Rich:Loud Raw & Truthful

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?

Rich:The Ramones/Sonic Youth

ZanaD:When is your next album coming out?

Rich:We have a 7” in the works it should be out next month.

Thanks Rich!




I am really happy to announce that I got the chance to speak with Nick Finochio, an incredible sexy and talented singer/songwriter! Nick is not only an extremely talented singer and songwriter but also a fantasic photographer! Ladies his music will melt your heart! Guys, his talent will  have your jaw drop! Look out for his new album coming out on Itunes July 30th. If you would like a physical copy, they will be released at his release party in his hometown. If you would like to get in contact with Nick please contact him directly at :…

He will be happy to hear from you 🙂

 Introducing Nick Finochio!!


ZanaD:What is the name of your band?
Nick:Nick Finochio

ZanaD:Where are you from?
Nick:Altoona, PA.
ZanaD:What type of music do you play?

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?
Nick:Social network! Play as many shows as you can! Take every opportunity!

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?
Nick:hmmm… I’ve always had a passion for it… And I knew I wanted to write my own stuff.

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?
-Nick:I was 9 when I started playing the piano, and I have been singing pretty much my whole life J

ZanaD:How long have you been writing music for?
Nick:I wrote my first album when I was in 8th grade. It’s called “My Surrender.” So…about 6 years.

ZanaD:Describe your music in three words
Nick:Hopeless, Romantic, Love.

ZanaD:What inspires you to do music?
Nick:Everything. Honestly. I write about everything that I come across.

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?
Nick:Paramore <3.

ZanaD:Where can people go to listen to your music?,

ZanaD:Where can people go to buy your music?
Nick:Itunes, Amazon, Myspace music, Shockhound, Napster. J

ZanaD:Where do you see your band in 5 years from now?
Nick:Well in my crazy imagination and my wildest dreams. I hope to be standing on a stage playing in front of you all. J

ZanaD:What is your dream?
Nick:To land a record deal, tour the world, sell out arenas, and play my music every single night.

ZanaD:If you could be in any place right now where would it be?
Nick:New York City… California, OR… Australia

ZanaD:If you were stuck on an island what three items would you bring?
Nick:My piano, my notebook, and something Taylor Swift. J

Where do you want to live when your older?
-NEW YORK CITY OR California.

Be sure to checkout his next concert September 10th and 11th!

Cheers Nick!

Let me introduce to you the charming and sexy  musician Ryan Wickersham!  Ryan comes from good old Lancaster, Pennsylvania. If you would like to hear Ryans music feel free to click on the Ryans photo above! If you love what you hear and you would like to get in touch with Ryan feel free to email him at If your interested in buying Ryans music go search Ryan Wickersham on Itunes. Be sure to checkout Ryans next concert August 27th at The Blue Bird Inn! If you just can’t get enough of Ryan Wickersham then be sure to click on the following links as well!

Drop it like its hot!


ZanaD:What is the name of your band
Ryan:Ryan Wickersham Band

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?
Ryan:Rock/Pop (most common comparison is Dave Matthews/U2)

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?
Ryan:My father was a drummer.

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?
Ryan:I started drumming around 6 or 7. I started guitar, piano, and singing around 16 or 17

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?
Ryan:Hershey Stadium (sold out)

ZanaD:Describe your music in three words
Ryan:Epic, Love, Passion

ZanaD:Are you close with the people in your band?
Ryan:Like brothers

ZanaD:When is your next album coming out?
Ryan:officially, that is undetermined. right now the band is working on a demo, that we are considering distributing for free at our shows. but everything is still up in the air

ZanaD:What is your favorite food?

Ryan:Chic-fila (afternoon) Steak (evening)

ZanaD:What musician would you want to go on a date with and why?
Ryan;Jay-Z. to ask him how does he come up with it?


Hey,  Let me introduce you to Henry Gomez from the kickass band My Echo!If you love what you hear and would like to reach him please feel free to contact directly at :

Zana D:What is the name of your band?
Henry:The band that I am currently in is called My Echo.
There is also an exciting side project I am putting together with a good friend of mine –Aidan O’Donnell- that so far is un-named.

ZanaD:Where are you from?
Henry:I’m born and bred in London UK, but my mother is half Swedish, half English and my father is Anglo-Indian with a mixture of other things that we are not quite sure about.

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?
Henry:In my Echo, we play heavy, yet soulful grunge rock, with touches of metal.  We have been compared to an early Sound Garden, or Incubus…That basic genre.My side project will is a softer more touching and uplifting sound with instruments including piano, violin and other instruments I’ve been always been fond of.

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?
Henry:Contacts… It’s all about the contacts!

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?
Henry:My friend Aidan, who told me I had a good voice when we were at 6th Form college together. Knowing I had a voice inspired me to create music. 

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?
Henry:Great question, well for me I’m really not sure.  Brixton Academy I consider the best live music venue in London.  But my Mother has always dreamed of seeing me on the TV programme ‘Later with Jools Holland’.

ZanaD:What inspires you to do music?
Henry:Just a love for creating it.  I am an artist as well, but need more than a visuals to satisfy my creative side.

ZanaD:What’s your favorite band?

ZanaD:What’s your favorite song?
Henry:Deftones: ‘Dai The Flu’

ZanaD:Where can people go to listen to your music?
Henry:For My Echo you can all go to: or , My side project is so new we have nothing recorded as of yet.

ZanaD:What is your dream?
Henry:To have a successful career in the world of music…. And the ability to fly….?!?!

ZanaD:What musician would you want to go on a date with and why?
Henry:I’m gonna say Blondie back in her younger years. Simply because she was HOT!!sssssss

ZanaD:What’s your biggest turnoff?
Henry:Girls with unnecessary attitude!

Become a fan of My Echo by clicking the link below!



Lastnight I got to chat with the wonderfully charming Jordan Schneider.Jordan Schneider plays in  the hit band Neigbors.If you would like to hear some of Neighbors songs please click the first photo above! If you love what you hear and would love to purchase Neighbors music please click the second photo above. You can also become a fan of Neighbors on facebook by going to the following link.


ZanaD:What is the name of your band?

ZanaD:Where are you from?
Jordan:Long Island, NY

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?
Jordan:alternative/Progressive Rock

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?

Jordan:Take advantage of the internet. It is so easy to put your music online and spread it to your friends fans nowadays.

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?
Jordan:I always loved music and was instantly attracted the beat in songs.

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?
Jordan:I was 11 when I started playing drums.

ZanaD:How long have you been writing music for?
Jordan:About 10 years now.

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?
Jordan:Nassau Coliseum or Jones Beach because my father works there and always brought me to shows since I was little.

ZanaD:Describe your music in three words

ZanaD:Are you close with the people in your band?
Jordan:Yes they are my best bros!

ZanaD:Whats the song you need to listen to when your feeling down?
Jordan:Mute Math- Control

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?
Jordan:Red Hot Chili Peppers. They started everything for me.

ZanaD:When is your next album coming out?
Jordan:It just came out!

Where do you see your band in 5 years from now?
Touring the world

Congratulations to Neighbors on their sold out  show at the Irving Plaza  in NYC!! Buy tickets now for their upcoming show in  Great Mills located in Maryland!Become a fan now by clicking the following link!

 Vote on your favorite Neighbors song now!

Hey all! I had the chance to chat with the talented and super sexy James Fullanna. James is a guitarist and songwriter. He is looking for people to jam with in the connecticut community. If you would like to get in touch with James please contact him directly at:

 Also be sure to check out his video playing guitar! Just click his photo above and it will bring you right to his video!He is always looking to write more music or to even just to jam, so don’t be shy! He would love to hear from you 🙂


ZanaD: Where are you from?

James: Windsor, CT

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?


ZanaD:What got you into doing music?

James:Growing up watching all those guys on stage having fun doing what they love.

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?

James:Sonishphere in England.

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?

James: Parkway Drive or Have Heart

ZanaD:What inspires you to do music?

James:Life in general. The thought that I can deliver a message that people will hear and maybe be changed for the better by it.

ZanaD:Where can people go to listen to your music?

James:a myspace page will be up soon of some recordings i have.

 ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?

James:Take your time. Do it right and whatever you do be passionate about it.Send a message and send it strong.

ZanaD:What is your dream?

James: To change lives and make an impact.

Thanks again James!

Hey everyone! I had the chance to speak with Ryan Menge current manager of the extremely gifted musician Charles Schneider. Below you will find an interview I had with Ryan. If you find him intriguing and would like to contact him directly please do so at

He is always looking for more musicians to manage so dont be afraid to hit him up!


Zana D:Where are you from?
Ryan:Bridgeport CT

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?
Ryan:Keep at it and eventually you’ll be discovered because Rock wasn’t discovered in a day.

ZanaD:Whats the song you need to listen to when your feeling down?
Ryan:Indestructible by Disturbed

ZanaD:What is your dream?
Ryan:To start a business, have a family, retire, then become an Ice Cream Man

ZanaD:If you were trapped in a room what three people would you want to be with?
Ryan:Rachael Ray, to cook for us, David Draiman to listen to sing, and my buddy to drink with.

ZanaD:Beautiful or intelligent?
Ryan:Beauty is skin deep but Intelligence can only get you so far. In between the two because Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Thanks again Ryan!

Behind The Scenes Intro!

Hi I’m Zana D. I am going to be posting interviews, links, photographs, upcoming concerts dates etc for upcoming musicians. If your interested in being interviewed feel free to email me at or message me on here.
