Archive for September, 2010

I had the incredible chance to speak with Adam Watts! Adam is a very talented individual. He really does do it all. He’s a songwriter, singer,music producer and film maker. Be sure to checkout his album Murder Yesterday and his music video Reckless.Give it up for Adam Watts!

Behind The Scenes Interview with Adam Watts:

ZanaD: What’s your name and where are you from?

Adam:My full human name is Adam Matthew Watts. I was born in southern California at Laguna Beach hospital and grew up in nearby Mission Viejo.

ZanaD: How old were you when you wrote your first song?

Adam: If quality doesn’t count, I think the first song happened when I was maybe nine years old. I wrote the music on this cheesy Casio keyboard. Even though there was a baby grand piano in the house for some reason I was on the keyboard. Maybe I needed to be behind closed doors with my nine year old angst! I recall the lyrics being written in this funny journal book that had a this little brass lock on it. Don’t know why I had that thing!

ZanaD: What inspired you to become a musician, songwriter and producer?

Adam: Even though I’d occasionally plunk around on the piano and on my dad’s old Gretsch acoustic guitar, I started out primarily as a drummer. Like everyone else I absolutely loved music and great songs, but I was really drawn to the drums. I just felt like I would know what to do with them. My brother plays guitar and he had a band that rehearsed at our house. I snuck a few beats in when no one was around, and I was instantly hooked. My brother loved the band Rush so of course, that was the music that I cut my teeth on as a little guy. I was around ten years old. Got my first drumkit for Christmas when I was eleven.

For the next eight or nine years I was all about drums. You could probably say I was obsessed. As time went on I had this growing interest in writing music parallel to that. I was passionate about the magic of a song and it’s recording. For me that was where a song lived, on recording. So when I started writing it was always with the goal of recording it. I loved how emotional timbres could be. How changing the eq could affect the emotion of something.

With writing, first it was kind of co-arranging with bands in high school, then it quickly became sequencing keyboards and recording on a four track. I’d record drums over my weird instrumental, fusion meets soundtrack songs. I was also starting to sing along to CDs in my car. Never thinking I would be a singer, but I really remember loving how it felt to sing. I was testing the waters. Sting was a big initial influence on me. I loved his voice and the way his melodies could be so surprising, with those big interval jumps he does. I didn’t think at the time that singing would eventually become so important to me.

Anyways, after high school I started drumming with a guitarist, singer-songwriter named Gannin Arnold. He was getting deep into singing and writing songs. I started having strong opinions about his songs and he eventually encouraged me to write my own songs. Probably to get me off his back! He was right though, my opinions were there, and so intense because I needed to be writing my own tunes. One day I borrowed his ADAT and recorded my first real song with vocals. Gannin would show me the ropes on guitar. He’d be like, ‘Umm, put your finger here, and now it’s an actual E minor chord”, stuff like that. Just guiding me as I was figuring things out, flying by the seat of my pants. I loved the process of discovery. Finding my own way through trial and error.

Writing and recording that first song was a profound, life changing experience for me. I’m pretty introverted and suddenly I had a safe place to just let things fly, and yet also be artistic about it. The lyrics, music and the recording  were all equally important. Production was never separate from the songwriting, it was always the same thing to me. I began to feel this big shift from being a drummer to thinking of myself as a singer-songwriter.

ZanaD: Tell us about your new album Murder Yesterday.

Adam: It’s been a long time coming. Since my last album in 2006 I’ve written and recorded at least six or seven albums worth of material. Since I wasn’t touring, I was just creating pretty much constantly, which I love. I really needed a reason to finish something. I didn’t want to just do it to do it.

For some reason as I was writing these new songs, I suddenly knew I was making an album. I have this idealistic old school idea of what an album should be: unified and connected, yet with songs that stand on their own. I decided it was time for me to fully attempt that. I had always felt like my previous album were a little all over the place, more like a collection of songs than a unified work. “Murder Yesterday” is more of an album in that sense. Also, I had this feeling like part of me wanted to erase everything I’d ever done and have this be ground zero. That’s part of the reason for the title. I wanted to start fresh.

ZanaD: Do you believe you have accomplished some of your life goals?

Adam: In music, any goals I’ve had have always been short term. Or just to be able to wake up and do what I felt like doing, to be able to be as productive and creative as constantly as possible. I’ve never been one for goals or plans beyond today’s song, tomorrow’s session or maybe something on my calender a few weeks away. Even that kinda freaks me out. Plans kind of depress me and goals seem impossible to stay on track with! I guess I sort of subscribe to that  ‘tomorrow never comes’ mentality.

For some reason, I’m always relating everything to death or dying. I know that sounds morbid, or is morbid. It’s not like I’m freaking out all the time. Well, maybe sometimes! It’s just a reality that I find myself thinking about a lot. I just feel like whatever I’m doing right now should be something that is bite size enough to finish fairly quickly, within days, and meaningful enough to be worth doing if I die next week.

That’s why songs are perfect medium for me, they can be these little self-contained worlds of meaning. Frozen thoughts and emotions. Little communication time capsules that somehow stay the same and yet can also change depending on how you feel when you listen to them. The best songs take you somewhere and let you take them somewhere all at the same time.

ZanaD: Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Adam: Dead! No, I don’t know. I don’t see myself anywhere. Mostly because five years ago I’d never imagine being where I am today. And five years before that It’d be the same. It’s unnatural for me to project out like that.

I guess thinking about all that just makes me feel really blessed. Like even though I’m thinking short term, it seems Someone’s looking out for my long term. I’m really thankful to God for the life I have. I’m just trying to live in the now, man! haha

ZanaD: What can you tell us about your work with Walt Disney Music Publishing and your work with Andy Dodd?

Adam: Andy is a great friend and a super talented guy. We’ve both been writers for Disney for the last seven years and counting. It’s been such a great ride for us. The chance to write and record songs that tens of millions of people hear and enjoy is an unbelievable privilege. To be able to share all of that with a friend is super cool.

ZanaD: What advice would you give people who want to break into the industry?

Adam: My first piece of advice is to take all advice with a grain of salt! Really though, I remember what it felt like to have nothing going on, yet feel deep down that I could do it. So I have lots of advice! I’ll just rattle off ideas and concepts that have helped or continue to help me.

Take a good honest look at yourself and really feel your potential. Know it as a fact and don’t let anything or anyone poison that pure feeling. Yet let constructive criticism in and better yet, be able to criticize your own work long before anyone hears it. Be honest with yourself and hold yourself to the highest standards possible. To the same standards you hold others to. There’s a tendency to be so stoked that we actually made something out of nothing that we can kind of go crazy and forget that it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any good! Or you have the opposite problem and you hate everything you do. Either extreme is counterproductive. Being aware of those two things is important. Be aware of what makes things good and why and apply that to your own work.

Work hard and be passionate and intelligent about it. Understand your right brain and your left brain and learn how to toggle between each one at will. It’s an essential skill I think. In the music industry you have to a free spirited artist one moment and an astute businessman the next, yet somehow never both in any one moment. Toggle. That way you can create from a pure and subjective place, then judge what you’ve done from an objective one and do both jobs.

I believe enthusiasm is the fertile soul of creativity, so try not to be a hater, of yours or other people’s work, even though it’s tempting to be! Have low expectations and high hopes. Try to be absolutely confident, yet simultaneously humble. You never really arrive (and you shouldn’t!) so find a way to love, enjoy and embrace the process. Oh and did I say work hard?

ZanaD: What song inspires you the most and what musicians would you say are your biggest influences?

Adam: Oh wow, one song huh? If it has to be one then it would be a piece of score written by Thomas Newman from the movie Road To Perdition, it’s called “Road To Perdition” and “The Farm” same song two different cues. No vocals on that stuff though, so as far as vocal songs go it’s always changing. Some favorites have been “Mad About You” by Sting, “Disappearing One” by Chris Cornell, “Hark The Haralds Angels Sing”, “It Came Upon A midnight Clear” the Frank Sinatra versions. The old country classic, “She Thinks I Still Care” is an awesome song, Teddy Thompson’s version is amazing. “The Sword & the Pen” by Regina Spektor was an inspiration to me earlier this year. Sorry, I can’t choose just one, obviously!

Thomas Newman is a big influence. He’s written some of the most transcendent and beautiful music I’ve heard. Other influences are Sting/The Police, Jeff Buckley, Rufus Wainwright, Chris Cornell, Sam Phillips, Blind Willie Johnson, Vinnie Colaiuta, Stephen King, C.S. Lewis and Jesus Christ.

ZanaD: Tell us about your work with Daniel Chesnut with your upcoming film production company MiNDFRAME CREATIVE.

Adam: Nice attention to detail with the lower case “i”! I met Daniel last year during the making of the “Poison Soul” music video for my previous band FALLBORN. We really hit it off and have become great friends. We have similar sensibilities which makes collaborating a blast. I’ve been interested in photography for a while now and that is starting to carry over into film. Also, I’ve written a couple of screenplays this year and have discovered a hidden desire to get into film as a writer and director with Daniel. He and I have done a couple short films together so far, and we also co-directed my recent music video for “Reckless”. We plan to make a feature film together next year. I can’t wait. I guess that’s a new long term goal! What a hypocrite!

ZanaD: Tell us about your work with Jeremy Camp.

Adam: Andy and I met Jeremy back in 2001. We produced this six song EP for him, which helped pave the way for him to get signed to BEC Recordings about eight months later. Jeremy being the awesome guy he is, pushed hard to get Andy and I hired as the producers once he was signed. We were a couple of no-name-dudes from Orange County so it wasn’t too easy. The label liked our work on the EP so they chanced it. That really was the start of our careers as producers. Both of the albums we made that year went Gold. We made them in my little bedroom in my parents house. It was a fun time. Andy and I we were kind of like his band and his producers on those first couple albums. I played drums and Andy played guitar on most everything. We were just barely experienced enough to produce those records, but we squeaked by. Since then we’ve worked on lots of the stuff Jeremy has done. Beyond all the musical stuff, I consider Jeremy a friend. He’s a really cool person.

ZanaD: Tell us about one of your past bands Fallborn?

I had been playing with the same three guys, Nic, Jules and Matt for years and finally at the end of 2008 we all decided that instead of it being my solo thing, we’d make it a band. I still wrote all the songs and produced the recordings but when it came to arranging and playing live we made it more collaborative, which was really fun for awhile. We were beginning to operate like a band in some ways so it seemed like a good idea. Make it an ‘all for one and one for all’ four musketeers situation.

In the end though, it wasn’t the best fit. I think my creative process is so personal that I found it difficult to open up fully to a democratic environment. That was never the point of making my music, it was always more about getting to the truth of whatever it was I was expressing, from a personal place. The song, the arrangement, all the parts and the production are all part of that. So a band thing just didn’t quite suit me.

Those guys are super talented and I love hanging out and making music with them, but in the end a full blown partnership wasn’t the best thing for us all. We all had different goals and ways of getting to those goals. So, things started to unravel and eventually it fell apart. It was a bummer to see it end, but it was for the best. Thankfully, we’ve remained friends, which is what I care about the most. I love those guys. In fact, when it came time to start doing some shows around my new solo album, guess who I called? Ironic.

ZanaD: Tell us about your production company Red Decibel.

Adam: Red Decibel Music Group is Andy and I’s company. We started it back in 2000. It’s the home for everything we do together. We have a studio in Brea, CA and one in Nashville TN. where Andy now lives. We write songs via Skype now. Which to our surprise, actually works fine. You just can’t jam together while writing because of the slight delay in the signal. Other than that it’s great. And if I get annoyed I can just shut my laptop on him. I’m kidding.

ZanaD: How did you end up writing music for Jesse McCartney, Kelly Clarkson and Switchfoot?

Adam:Without Jesse McCartney my career would look very different. Andy and I were members of this great little company called TAXI. They do independent A&R. You pay them some money to join, and they critique your music. Then if you’re lucky, they send it off to people in the industry looking for songs. We got lucky and TAXI hooked us up to Jesse’s management. Soon after, we wrote a song called “Beautiful Soul” which we thought might suit him. Long story short, that song became a worldwide hit for him. It topped the charts in the U.S. and all over Europe and Asia. The music video did great on MTV and the song got thrown on a bunch of soundtracks and compilation albums. It was crazy how much it blew up. We were stunned not to mention very happy!

That one song kicked open the door for us. We got signed to Disney Music Publishing and had a chance to write for a bunch of things they were developing at the time, which included High School Musical and Hannah Montana. We had never really planned on focusing on that kind of pop music. We had dabbled in it, but now we had to really do it.

I was really into Jeff Buckley and Chris Cornell at the time, and this could not have been more different. But Andy and I both enjoy a big variety of stuff. In some ways, it’s a lot of the same skills dressed up in different clothing. It’s a fun challenge to really dive in and find out what works within a given genre. It’s like a puzzle. Still we were flying by the seat of our pants, and just grateful for the opportunity. Thankfully it worked out. We had no idea those things would become so huge, selling so many millions.

Those big projects opened more doors. A few years later we wrote a song (with Shanna Crooks) called “Can We Go Back” which Kelly Clarkson recorded and was later covered by a well known Japanese artist as well.

The Switchfoot thing was really fun. We connected with the singer, Jon Foreman as we were both writing and pitching songs for the same movie The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian. We came together and made two songs into one, which eventually became “This Is Home”. We’re all stoked on how that came out. It was a great experience. Jon’s another classy dude. It was fun to put that song together in my backyard studio, then watch the band make the rounds on all the talk shows performing it.

ZanaD: Tell us about your musical background and families musical talents.

Adam: My parents are both musicians. My mom plays piano and accordion. Her mother played Steel Guitar and ran a little music school, with a small staff, back in the 50’s and 60’s. My dad plays guitar and sings. My brother Ryan plays guitar and my sister Jenn sings her butt off and produces her own stuff.

My parents really supported what I was doing, seeing the drive that I had. Without that support I don’t know what I would’ve done. They let me live at home longer than the average dude so I could develop my songwriting and producing without having to worry too much about rent and stuff. I was drumming in cover bands a few nights a week, which was a great thing musically and it covered my car payment and other things. The fact that I didn’t have to worry about rent for a few years really gave me the opportunity to focus in on my art with a lot of intensity. That was a pivotal period of time for me. I’m really thankful I had that. Just the ability to write literally hundreds of songs and record them in a little bubble.

There’s this book by Malcom Gladwell called “Outliers”. Very interesting book. He talks about how studies have shown that if you can clock in 10,000 hours doing your chosen trade you can cross over into this other level of facility with it. Without the kind of parental support I had, it would’ve taken me years longer to put in those kind of hours. By the time these bigger songwriting and producing opportunities were coming my way I had probably put in that many hours, so I felt somewhat prepared.

ZanaD: Tell us about your solo projects and what it was like being on tour?

Adam: The music I make solo is an important of my life. I start to get grumpy if I’m not consistently writing and recording songs that express something personal. It’s something I’m just built to need I think. It’s like, food, water, sleep, songs. It’s one of the essentials. It’s like my hard drive gets full and if I don’t download my computer starts to glitch and I run the risk of crashing. That’s how it feels.

When I even semi-accurately express something through a song, there’s this epic relief I feel. And if other people connect to it, it makes it all twice as cool. This record “Murder Yesterday” kinda feels like I just ripped eleven pages out of my life and stapled them together. Even though the stuff is personal, my greatest hope is that people make it their own and forget about me. That’s the best, when you can hear some music and feel like it was created just for you.

Touring can be a lot of fun. It’s nice to be able to share the music in an immediate way with people, that instant connection is super cool. But I find it hard to fully embrace the fact that you spend 95% of your time just cruising around getting to the show, dealing with travel and hotels and downtime. When I’m home I can spend 95% of my time being in a creative zone, being productive. But I certainly enjoy both. They’re completely different things though for the most part. There’s a certain beauty to the fleeting nature of live performance, but creating the definitive version of a song on recording is something I’m kind of addicted to!

ZanaD: What song did you produce that went platinum?

Adam: The first thing that went platinum is Jesse McCartney’s album “Beautiful Soul” back in 2004. Since then quite a few of the things Andy and I have worked on have gone platinum.

ZanaD: Is it true the songs you’ve written with Andy Dodd have appeared on over 45 million albums worldwide?

Adam: Yeah, it’s true. And the craziness of that number is not lost on me. I can’t even fathom it really. It so easily could have not happened! We’ve been very fortunate. There are plenty of writers and producers out there who do great work and just haven’t had things align yet. It’s something I think about a lot. I try to be a good steward of the blessings I’ve been given.

I just realized that I think I do, and have had, one major overarching goal! I always want to be increasing the amount of work I do in music that I feel has real meaning. I hope this doesn’t sound corny or cliche’ but I want to make music that has some kind of positive affect on people. Track two on my album is about that actually, it’s called “When Everything Else Is Gone”. Also the song “Blink” has a similar theme but more from a perspective of life in general. I wrote that one after attending the funeral of one of my mom’s close friends, Ellen, who died of cancer. That song is dedicated to them.

When your career is also your passion, the trick is balancing those virtuous desires with the reality of just making a living. Finding that sweet spot is a fun challenge. I’ve been realizing lately that I’m in a unique position and I don’t want to waste it. I’ve had a fair amount of success in the pop music world, which is affording me the opportunity to make personal music that is uncompromising, both artistically and personally. At the moment I just want to share this new album with people. I put everything I have into it.

I really appreciate the opportunity to share this stuff. Thanks for having me on your blog!


Adams Official Website



Red Decibel



A Silent Film( musicians)

I had the amazing chance to speak with band member Rob from the exceptionally talented band A Silent Film!

Behind The Scenes Interview with A Silent Film:

ZanaD: What is the name of your band?

Rob: A Silent Film

ZanaD: Where are you from?

Rob: Oxford, England

ZanaD: What type of music do you play?

Rob: Melodramatic rock and pop

ZanaD: What is the best advice you have for people who want to break into the industry?

Rob: Love what you do and be proactive all the time.

ZanaD: What got you into doing music?

Rob: Roger Taylor, John Deacon, Brian May and Freddie Mercury.

ZanaD: How old were you when you starting playing/singing?

Rob: I don’t remember. I was very young, it was instinctive.

ZanaD: How long have you been writing music for?

Rob: Since I was 11 or 12, my dog died and I felt I needed a release.

ZanaD: Where would your dream place be to perform?

Rob: Carnegie Hall

ZanaD: What inspires you to do music?

Rob: love and death

ZanaD: What’s the song you like to listen to when your feeling down?

Rob: A Drink of You by Joni Mitchell

ZanaD: What’s your favorite band?

Rob: Bjork

ZanaD: What’s your favorite song?

Rob: Do You Realise? By Flaming Lips

ZanaD: When is your next album coming out?

Rob: 2012

ZanaD: When is your next concert?

Rob: Saturday night in Kansas City

ZanaD: Where do you see your band five years from now?

Rob:Two more albums, bigger shows, would love to visit Japan and Australia

ZanaD: What is your dream?

Rob:To one day be recognised for my music by someone who’s life has inspired mine.

ZanaD: What’s your favorite food?

Rob: Shetland mussels

ZanaD: If you were stuck on an island what three items would you bring?

Rob: I’d bring J. J. Abrams, Benjamin Linus and a gun and I’d have them explain a few things to me

ZanaD: What musician would you want go to on a date with and why?

Rob:No way, It would be useless, I’m far to competitive. If it was lady gaga I’d simply sit there in stunned silence.

ZanaD: Where do you want to live when your older?

Rob:Isolated, somewhere near the ocean with a fishing boat

ZanaD: What’s your favorite tv show?

Rob: Mad Men and 30 Rock at the moment

Thanks Rob!

Checkout A Silent Film Today!

Vote for your favorite song!




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Big Cartel


Hey everyone. I had the awesome chance of getting to interview the beautiful and talented Aaron Childree !

Behind The Scenes with Aaron Childree:

What is the name of your band? Aaron Childree
Where are you from? I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia but I’m currently a student at Rollins College in Orlando, Florida.
What type of music do you play?  I would call it Pop/ Rock music.  I’m really interested in trying to create music that is catchy and upbeat but still has lyrics that say something and a message that people can relate to.

Describe your music in three words. Fun, Catchy, Uplifting
Are you close with the people in your band? Definitely.  The guitar player in my band, Mark Lambert, is my roommate and all four of us in the band are really good friends.  We always try to make time to hang out and do other things besides just play music together.
What inspires you to do music? The amazing feeling I get from performing in front of an audience.  I believe that God has given me talents in the area of music, and when I get the chance to share those gifts is when I’m the happiest.

Whats your favorite band? That’s a tough one.  If I had to pick one I think it would be Coldplay, but there’s so many I like!

When is your next album coming out? My debut album entitled “So Much More To Say” will be available on iTunes and as a physical CD on October 19th, 2010!
When is your next concert? The CD release show for my album is October 16th at Austin’s Coffee in Winter Park.  If you’re in the Orlando area, come by and get your copy of my album three days before it hits stores!
Where can people go to buy your music? My debut album will be available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and all other major digital stores starting on October 19th!
What is your dream? My dream is to make music that inspires people.  I feel like music is such a powerful thing and I want to use that power in a positive way.
What is your favorite food? I love pizza, but I’m kind of a health freak so I don’t eat it too often.
If you could be in any place right now where would it be? Exactly where I am! I know it’s cheesy.
What musician would you want to go on a date with and why? Sara Barielles.  She’s a little old for me but I love her music and she’s a natural beauty.

What do you look for in a friend? Someone who is loyal and honest.  Don’t be afraid to tell me if I’m doing something you don’t agree with, it’s better than pretending like nothing’s wrong.
Where do you want to live when your older? I would like to live in both New York and LA at some point.  I grew up in a big city, and I love the big city feel.  As a musican and entertainer, both of these cities have such a history and I would love to be a part of that.
whats your favorite tv show? I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I love “The Office”.
whats your favorite color? I’d definitely go with blue.

Thanks Aaaron!!

Be sure to Check out Aaron Childree! 🙂 Become a fan today.




I had the pleasure of speaking with the talented and sexy musicians all the way from california. Intoducing Serf on vocals,Lalo on guitar/violin,Joey on drums, Jon on Bass and keys and James on guitar!

Behind The Scenes with Deluna

ZanaD: What is the name of your band?

Serf: Deluna

ZanaD: Where are you from?

Jonathan: My mom says im from hell, but Delunas Napa based and reppin.

ZanaD: What type of music do you play?

Lalo: Universal

ZanaD: What is the best advice you have for those who want to break into the music industry?

Serf: open mics, youtube music, music websites, music classes

Joey:Write, record, perform, duplicate, repeat

Lalo: and don’t let your ego get in the way, its about the music not the musician

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?

James: My family, I grew up in a family of people who played

Joey: I’ve always loved music, its an innate passion of mine

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?

Serf:I was 19 or 20 when I started taking lessons/practicing/performing for a live audience (I am now 23). But I’ve been singing in the car and the shower my whole life.

Lalo: Since fifteen years old.

Joey: I’ve been playing for eight years.

James: Seven years

Jonathan:I got my first bass when I was thirteen.. To meet girls.

ZanaD: Where would your dream place be to perform at?

Joey: Woodstock..ha

Jonathan: Jools Holland, or your bedroom.

James: Anywhere outside of the country

ZanaD: Describe your music in three words

Serf: Honest, eclectic and dreamy

Lalo: colorful, passionate,honest

Joey: powerful, intimate,passionate

ZanaD: What inspires you to do music?

Lalo: My brothers

ZanaD: What’s the song you need to listen to when your feeling down?

Serf:The Verve’s “Bittersweet Symphony” is the story of my life. Or Arcade Fire’s “My Body is a Cage,”

ZanaD: When is your next concert?

Serf: September 30th at Silos

ZanaD: Whats your favorite song?

James: At the moment its “Hey” by Red Hot Chilli Peppers

ZanaD: Where can people go to listen to your music?

Serf:Live is best at the moment. Myspace songs are embarrassingly out of date and misrepresent us. Demo is in mixing stages!

ZanaD:Where do you see your band five years from now?

Serf:Touring and writing and growing

ZanaD:What is your dream?

Serf:To be significant, and to raise my son to be a good man, and lead a happy fulfilling life.

Lalo:to encourage others in believing that they have what it takes to do great things

Joey:To do something of some significance before I die.

Jonathan: To live underwater.

James:To find enlightenment and share enlightenment with others.

ZanaD: If you could be any place right now where would it be?


Lalo:at the park with my girlfriend and her beautiful daughter.

Joey:In outer space looking at this planet, floating in a lawn chair with a beer and some chips.

Jonathan: Camelot

James: On top of a pyramid.

ZanaD: Where do you want to live when your older?

James: Somewhere in Europe

Serf: I think probably Europe too, not to be a copycat

Jonathan: Paris or some Catalan villa in Spain.

Lalo: Italy

ZanaD: What musician would you want to go on a date with and why?

Serf:I’ve kind of had a crush on Natasha Bedingfield for a while, but she’s married….

Lalo:niccolo paganini, because I would like to pick at his mind.

Joey: Benny Greb, he’s awesome.

James: I don’t know if I would date a musician, we’re kind of different.

Jonathan:Hayley Williams because she’s only the best thing ever.

ZanaD: If you were trapped in a room with three people who would they be?

Serf: Anyone edible because I get hungry quick

Lalo:Igor Stravinsky, Ramanujan, C.S Lewis

ZanaD: Last question!..Describe your ideal partner in three words!


Serf: Smart, honest,adventerous

Lalo: passionate, honest, sweet

Joey: funny, intelligent, honest

James: honest, passionate, loving

Jonathan: Lalo with clothes on

Thanks Deluna!





Vote On Your Favorite Song!

Let me have the honor of introducing you all to the fabulous musician Chad Sugg from Backseat Goodbye! Also be sure to checkout his latest album called The Good Years!

Behind The Scenes with Backseat Goodbye:

ZanaD: What is the name of your band?

B: Back Seat Goodbye

ZanaD: Where are you from?

B: Nashville, TN

ZanaD: What type of music do you perform?

B: Indie/Acoustic/Alternative

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for musicians wanting to break into the industry?

B:Go for it and never give up. Also, just be honest.

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?

B:The Ryman in Nashville, TN

ZanaD:What is the song you need to listen to when you are feeling down?

B:”Swim” by Jack’s Mannequin

ZanaD: When is your next album coming out?

B: It just came out August 31rst, its called The Good Years.

ZanaD: Where do you want to live when your older?

B: Los Angelas, CA

ZanaD: What’s your favorite TV show?

B: How I Met Your Mother or Entourage.

Checkout Backseat Goodbye out today!


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Andrew Sheron( musician)

Hey everyone let me introduce you to the  talented jazzy pop singer/ songwriter Andrew Sheron!

Behind The Scenes with Andrew Sheron:

ZanaD: What is the name of your band?

A: Andrew Sheron

ZanaD: Where are you from?

A: Brooklyn, NY

ZanaD: What type of music do you play?

A: Jazz,rock,pop

ZanaD: What is the best advice you have for  breaking themselves into the industry?

A: Do it yourself!

ZanaD: What got you into doing music?

A: Its the type of art I gravitate strongest to, and art is one of the endeavors thats really important.
“The main things which seem to me important on their own account, and not merely as means to other things, are knowledge, art, instinctive happiness, and relations of friendship or affection.” Bertrand Russell

ZanaD: How old were you when you started playing/singing?

A:I started on classical piano when I was 3 and started playing bass October 2005.

ZanaD: How long have you been writing for?

A: Since March 2005

ZanaD: Where would your dream place be to perform?

A:I don’t really have a specific location in mind, just a place where a lot of people are there actually listening.

ZanaD: What inspires you to do music?

A:Everything and anything. Someone in front of me with a funny swagger, the sounds of the subway train as it pulls into the station, an interesting Youtube video, etc. etc.

ZanaD: Who’s your favorite band?

A:Way too many, but if I had to go with one it’d probably be Oingo Boingo

ZanaD: When is your next album coming out?

A: That is to be determined, but its in the works!

ZanaD: Where can people go to buy your music?

A:All of my music is available for free download at, and if you like it you can donate to the “new music fund” via paypal.  Hi-res files are available on request.

ZanaD: What musician would you like to go on a date with and why?

A:I’d go on a man-date with Bobby McFerrin.  He seems like he’d be a lot of fun.

ZanaD: Whats your favorite color?

A: Blue. No, yellow

Check out Andrews music today 🙂

Listen to his music!


Official Website!

Thanks Andrew!

I had the honor of speaking with the extremely beautiful and talented female vocalist Alex Flanigan. If you have not heard her music yet, you should get up right now and go listen to her. She could be the next big thing! Introducing Alex:

Behind The Scenes with Alex Flanigan:

ZanaD: What is the name of your band?

Alex: Alex Flanigan

ZanaD: Where are you from?


Alex: Glastonbury,CT

ZanaD: What type of music do you sing?

Alex: Americana

ZanaD: What is the best advice you have for people who want to succeed in the music industry?

Alex:Believe in yourself and promote yourself like its your job (cuz it should be your job if you really want to be an artist)

ZanaD: What inspired you to become involved with music?

Alex: My parents got me into music and on stage at four years old. And that was it haha.

ZanaD: How long have you been writing music?

Alex: I have been writing for about five years now.

ZanaD: Where is your dream place to sing at?

Alex: Grand Ole Opry

ZanaD: Describe your music in three words

Alex: honest, inspirational and fun 🙂

ZanaD: Are you close with the members of your band?

Alex:There has been a recent switch in the band but, the chemistry is very positive and they are amazing players. I love it.

ZanaD: What inspires you to sing?

Alex:My family and friends inspire me, along with my experiences and memories. But a lot of my inspiration comes from within.

ZanaD: What’s your favorite band?

Alex: don’t have just one favorite band. I enjoy anything from The Doobie Brothers, Santana, Stevie Ray Vaugh and Bonnie Raitt to Pink, Michael Jackson and hits on the radio.

ZanaD: When is your next album coming out?

Alex:I have about 6 months til the next recordings are finished.

ZanaD: When is your next concert?

Alex: October 16th

ZanaD: Where can people go to buy your songs?

Alex:I am getting on itunes soon but i also have hard copies of my EP.
ZanaD: Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Alex:Five years from now i would like to be touring with my band playing original music

ZanaD: What is your dream?

Alex:I want my music heard and to have a following.

ZanaD: What is your favorite food?

Alex: I would have to say that my favorite food is Sushi, I won’t ever pass up an opportunity for sushi!!

ZanaD: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

Alex:If i could be anywhere i would be on the deck in my family’s beach house in Cape Cod.

ZanaD: If you were stuck on an island what three items would you bring?

Alex:If i were stuck on an island, past the necessities…I would bring my guitar, my puppies and my journal.

ZanaD: If you were trapped in a room with three people, who would they be?

Alex:If I were trapped in a room I would want to be stuck with Ali McRae, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson.

ZanaD: What musician would you date and why?

Alex:I would definitely love to go on a date with Justin Nozuka. He is around my age, but i feel as though i could learn a lot from him. He is very talented and yes…i think he is cute haha

ZanaD: Describe your ideal partner in three words.

Alex: Trust worthy, funny and motivated.

ZanaD: Where do you want to live when your older?

Alex:I would definitely love to go on a date with Justin Nozuka. He is around my age, but i feel as though i could learn a lot from him. He is very talented and yes…i think he is cute haha

ZanaD: What’s your favorite tv show?

Alex: For some reason lately i have been enjoying Greys Anatomy

ZanaD: What’s your favorite color?

Check her out  now!

Listen To Alex Today!

Behind The Scenes Interview with Settle For Less:

I had the chance to talk with the cutie Nick from  the awesome band Settle For Less! Introducing: Alex, Nick, Cory and Will!

Check them out on Itunes as well 🙂

ZanaD:What is the name of your band?
Nick:Settle for Less

ZanaD:Where are you from?
Nick:I am from Maple Shade NJ but the rest of the band is from Cherry Hill NJ, just outside of philly.

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?
Nick:Punk/emo whatever you want to call it.

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?

Nick:Don’t use the internet as a cop out. Play lots of shows.

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?
Nick:I just always loved it

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?
Nick:I started playing guitar when i was 13 or 14. We all kind of started at the same age.

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?
Nick:I really want to go to California or Australia.

ZanaD::Are you close with the people in your band?
Nick:Yeah, they’re my best friends. even though we make fun of each other all the time.

ZanaD:What inspires you to do music?

ZanaD:Whats the song you need to listen to when your feeling down?
Nick:Any song from Deja

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?
Nick:I cant think but im going say Brand New

ZanaDLWhats your favorite song?
Nick:Right now it’s Nightingale by Saves the Day or Accident Prone by Jawbreaker.

ZanaD:When is your next album coming out?
Nick:Hopefully we have a release in late fall/winter.

ZanaD:When is your next concert?

ZanaD:Where do you see your band in five years from now?
Nick:Haha who knows, hopefully touring everywhere.

ZanaD:What is your dream?
Nick:Open my own studio.

ZanaD:What is your favorite food?

ZanaD:If you could be in any place right now where would it be?
Nick:The beach

ZanaD:If you were stuck on an island what three items would you bring?
Nick:My guitar, pizza and my phone i guess

Whats your favorite tv show?
Whats your favorite color?

Thanks Nick!

Check out Settle For Less today.



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I had the incredible chance to talk to the band With The Punches! They will be on tour mid october with Just Surrender and Thieves and Villians! Buy tickets now! Also be sure to checkout their newest album coming out mid october 🙂

If you don’t know this talented band already let me introduce you to them…

Jesse Vadala is  on vocals! Sam Hect is on the bass and vocals! Dustin Wallace is a guitarist and vocalist! Joe Cagnini is on guitar !and Shane Maziekien is the drummer!

Become a fan today 🙂

Behind The Scenes Interview with With The Punches:

ZanaD:What is the name of your band?

W:With The Punches

ZanaD:Where are you from?

W:New York

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?


ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?

W: Work hard, flyer everywhere, be nice to kids and other bands, tour as much as possible, and if music is what you truly want to do, don’t let anyone stop you.

ZanaD:What got you into doing music?

W:Bad Religion and Screeching Weasel

ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?

W:Thirteen, but I just played my Dad’s right handed acoustic upside down for 2 years till I got my first left handed guitar.

ZanaD:How long have you been writing music for?

W: Good music or bad music? Cause I started writing really bad music immediately, I don’t think I wrote anything I was really proud of till a few years ago.

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?

W: The downstairs of The First Unitarian Church in Philly is one of my favorite venues ever and I’ve never been on that stage except to dive off it

ZanaD:Describe your music in three words

W: Aggressive, Positive, and Fun

ZanaD:Are you close with the people in your band?

W:They are my best friends, there is no one I would rather be spending months living in a van with.

ZanaD:What inspires you to do music?

W: Being on stage with my best friends every night, seeing a crowd go nuts and sing along with us, the thought that hopefully something we write helps someone the way the records we grew up on helped us.

ZanaD:Whats the song you need to listen to when your feeling down?

W:Lately, probably Anywhere But Home by our friends band Handguns ( such great dudes, a great band, and they make awesome music.

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?

W: Gorilla Biscuits

ZanaD:Whats your favorite song?

W:Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper, I don’t care that song is perfect.

ZanaD:When is your next album coming out?

W:Looks like in the middle of October.

ZanaD:Where can people go to buy your music?

 iTunes or

ZanaD:Where do you see your band in 5 years from now?

W:Still touring, writing songs we love, and having a blast on stage.

ZanaD:What is your dream?

W: To be able to pay my bills just playing in With The Punches.
ZanaD:What is your favorite food? On Tour?

W: Anything off the Dollar Menu, cause I can afford it

ZanaD:If you could be in any place right now where would it be?

W:In the van with the boys, or on stage playing.

ZanaD:If you were stuck on an island what three items would you bring?

W:My new guitar, my ipod, and my leatherman.

ZanaD:If you were trapped in a room what three people would you want to be with?

W:Jesse, Sam, and The Hollins

ZanaD:What musician would you want to go on a date with and why?

W:Joan Jett, cause I have had a serious crush on her since I was like 5 years old, and have never given up hope.

ZanaD:Describe your ideal partner in three words

Joan, Jett, Yup!

ZanaD:Whats your biggest turnoff?

W: Having no direction in life

ZanaD:What do you look for in a friend?

W:Low standards, likes Ralph Wiggum, and enjoys hanging out in Barnes and Noble for hours

ZanaD:Where do you want to live when your older?

W:In a tour bus, with the rest of my band.

ZanaD:Whats your favorite tv show?

W:The Simpsons and Scrubs

ZanaD:Whats your favorite color?





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Matthew Kelly ( musician)


Let me introduce you to the sexy and talented singer Matt Kelly. The musicians in the  band are  Matt Kelly of course, Jon Leganski, Sinclair Wheeler, Hannah Watson,Gabrielle Van Dril and Daniel Swanberg. Be sure to check them out! Look out for thier music coming out after October 23rd on Itunes and other awesome sites!

Behind The Scenes Interview with Matt Kelly:

ZanaD:What is the name of your band?
Matt Kelly. Thinking of a change to Em Khay for band reasons

ZanaD:Where are you from?
Matt is from…well we like to keep it a secret because no one seems to be able to hammer down his accent.  Suffice to say he’s not from Chicago originally, but that’s where we are now…sort of.

ZanaD:What type of music do you play?
Matt:Pop/Rock with a hint of sexy

ZanaD:What is the best advice you have for people wanting to get their music out there?
Matt:Start early and be aggressive. Put yourself in the best light possible.  And a little male nudity never hurt.
ZanaD:What got you into doing music?

Matt:My mom played the guitar since she was 16. I just picked it up one day when I was little and started learning
ZanaD:How old were you when you started playing/singing?
Matt:nine or ten years old

ZanaD:How long have you been writing music for?
Matt:about 10 years

ZanaD:Where would your dream place be to perform at?
Matt:Wherever people will listen. Probably Madison Square Garden

ZanaD:Describe your music in three words
Matt:Earthy subtle sexy

ZanaD:Are you close with the people in your band?
Matt:yes absolutely. I have known Jon the longest. We sort of hit it off when we met at Milikin University a while back.

ZanaD:What inspires you to do music?
Matt:Everything around me. Mainly my thoughts throughout the day. I’m not a numbers person, much more on the creative side. I think sights that I see inspire words, inspiring sentences, then inspiring stories. Meeting new people and characters is a wonderful way to be inspired

ZanaD:Whats the song you need to listen to when your feeling down?
Matt:The Finer Things, by Steve Winwood

ZanaD:Whats your favorite band?

ZanaD:Whats your favorite song?
Matt:Local Hero (Wild Theme), by Dire Straits

ZanaD:When is your next album coming out?

ZanaD:When is your next concert?
Matt:We will be playing a college tour this fall leading up to the album release on October 23 at Reggies in our triumphant return to Chicago

ZanaD:Where can people go to listen to your music?
 full website soon to follow

ZanaD:Where can people go to buy your music?
Matt:It will be available on iTunes and other distribution sites after Oct 23. Once we get the site set up, it will be available for purchase there as well

ZanaD:Where do you see your band in 5 years from now?
Matt:Bruges, Belgium on Christmas Eve. Playing a public acoustic show of my music, along with acoustic Christmas Carols. Who would not want to see that place?!?! (picture attached)

ZanaD:What is your dream?
Matt:Flying. I only have this dream for real, once a year. But it is incredible when I do. It is so realistic that I wake up and feel like crying that it is not true. But I would settle for happiness at some point in the future.

ZanaD:What is your favorite food?
Matt:”A REAL Philly Cheesesteak

ZanaD:If you could be in any place right now where would it be?
Matt:Home, in my basement, writing.

ZanaD:If you were stuck on an island what three items would you bring?
Matt:My lyrics book, my guitar, and “Where The Sidewalk Ends”, by Shel Silverstein.

ZanaD:If you were trapped in a room what three people would you want to be with?
Matt:George Bush, Prince, and my brother.  I don’t have the same love for all three of these people, but the entertainment value would be indescribable.

ZanaD:What musician would you want to go on a date with and why?
Matt:Lilly Allen. I love British accents and I feel like she has a ton of stories to tell. She is so blatant and in your face, I feel like I would even know myself better after having drinks with her.

ZanaD:Describe your ideal partner in three words
Matt:Understanding, Gorgeous, and Optimistic

ZanaD:Whats your biggest turnoff?
Matt:Self Indulgence. People that pay too much attention to themselves (I think) are too naive to know what is actually going on around them. They get stuck within a certain border/bubble that if they ever got out of, they would not know what to do with themselves.

ZanaD:What do you look for in a friend?
Matt:Someone who can talk about interesting subjects but listen just as much, if not more

ZanaD:Where do you want to live when your older?
Matt:Duck, NC

ZanaD:Silk or satin?

ZanaD:Beautiful or intelligent?
Matt:Intelligence is beautiful

ZanaD:Color or black and white?
Matt:B&W for sure.

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Thanks Matt!